Summary of Services
Even in these challenging economic and fast-changing times, it’s all a matter of getting clear about who you are, what you want, and what you’re targeting. Once you are guided to attain that clarity, you can make conscious, empowered choices that propel you forward and upward in your career.
We raise the bar by:
- identifying work values, interests, and unique personality strengths (Myers-Briggs Personality Strength Indicator).
- sculpting a work mission.
- assessing and choosing pay worthy skill groups that you will use to achieve your mission.
- knowing your non-negotiable and negotiable compensation needs and wants.
- defining a career goal.
- researching and selecting fulfilling job title options.
- writing winning resumes and cover letters.
- learning effective, cutting-edge job search techniques.
- honing your interviewing skills.
- creating salary negotiation strategies.
- learning proactive career development techniques.
Using this process will keep you moving and growing in your career and life.
Our Specialties
- Career Counseling / Coaching Services
- Outplacement Services
- Employment Services
- Resume Writing
- Job Search Techniques
- Interviewing Skills
- College Interviewing
- Post-College Job Seeking
- Mission Identification
- Work Options / Job Identification
- Job Title Options
- Career Goal Statement
- Myers-Briggs Personality Strength Assessment
- Work Values Assessment
- Skills Assessment
- Compensation Assessment
- Career Assessment
- Qualifications Identification
- Salary Negotiation Skills
- Communication Skills
- Career Transition