Our Process
There are effective strategies for finding and landing a great job, and counseling sessions with Nina Friedman are the way to discover them. Sessions can occur in person or on the phone. read more
There are effective strategies for finding and landing a great job, and counseling sessions with Nina Friedman are the way to discover them. Sessions can occur in person or on the phone. read more
Are you…
Unemployed? Laid off? Stressed out by your work environment? Unsatisfied with your current job? Having conflicts with your boss or co-workers? A recent grad or college student searching for a career? Burned out? Working only for your paycheck? Deserving a promotion or a raise? Desiring a change in career? Newly divorced or widowed? Re-entering the work force? In a life transition? A new mom?
Unemployed? Laid off? Stressed out by your work environment? Unsatisfied with your current job? Having conflicts with your boss or co-workers? A recent grad or college student searching for a career? Burned out? Working only for your paycheck? Deserving a promotion or a raise? Desiring a change in career? Newly divorced or widowed? Re-entering the work force? In a life transition? A new mom?
Then we’ll …
- help you identify your marketable skills, using the Myers-Briggs Personality Strength Indicator combined with your unique qualifications, work values and mission.
- help you define satisfying work options (we call those job titles), and plan your targeted job search.
- listen respectfully to your thoughts, respond to and discuss your dreams and discover new perspectives and solutions to make those dreams into your reality.
- give you accurate and effective feedback, and teach you strategies for making conscious, well-informed, realistic decisions.
- craft winning resumes.
- perform mock interviews, enhancing your verbal and nonverbal skills in a friendly atmosphere, and teach you to be an empowered interviewee.
- teach you cutting-edge job search techniques.
- strengthen your motivation and self-confidence.
- create strategies to help you attain your career goals.
Success Stories
One year, I found myself without a job or a clear path for a meaningful career. When I chose Nina to help me navigate this overwhelming task, I soon realized it was the best money I have ever spent. I had some foggy ideas and notions about career options, but it was Nina who helped me focus on what was important for me – not what was important for others.
I have floated in and out of Nina’s business when I needed a “tune-up” on my resume or help with important career decisions. Nina’s coaching skills have had a tremendous impact on me. Even my husband was thrilled with Nina’s guidance on contract and salary negotiations…same for another friend.
I cannot overstate her contribution to my life… read more
One year, I found myself without a job or a clear path for a meaningful career. When I chose Nina to help me navigate this overwhelming task, I soon realized it was the best money I have ever spent. I had some foggy ideas and notions about career options, but it was Nina who helped me focus on what was important for me – not what was important for others.
I have floated in and out of Nina’s business when I needed a “tune-up” on my resume or help with important career decisions. Nina’s coaching skills have had a tremendous impact on me. Even my husband was thrilled with Nina’s guidance on contract and salary negotiations…same for another friend.
I cannot overstate her contribution to my life… read more